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northern review中文是什么意思

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  • Burton s magazine paid his price for five essays , and the remaining four , at the same rate , were snapped up by mackintosh s monthly , the northern review being too poor to stand the pace
  • " wiki - wiki , " his hawaiian short story , was bought by warren s monthly for two hundred and fifty dollars . the northern review took his essay , " the cradle of beauty , " and mackintosh s magazine took " the palmist " - the poem he had written to marian
  • The northern review , after publishing " the cradle of beauty , " had written him for half a dozen similar essays , which would have been supplied out of the heap , had not burton s magazine , in a speculative mood , offered him five hundred dollars each for five essays
  • The white mouse claimed him ; so did the northern review and mackintosh s magazine , until silenced by the globe , which pointed triumphantly to its files where the mangled " sea lyrics " lay buried . youth and age , which had come to life again after having escaped paying its bills , put in a prior claim , which nobody but farmers children ever read . the transcontinental made a dignified and convincing statement of how it first discovered martin eden , which was warmly disputed by the hornet , with the exhibit of " the peri and the pearl .
用"northern review"造句  


Northern Review was a Montreal-based literary magazine published in Canada between 1945 and 1956. It resulted from the merger between two earlier magazines, Preview and First Statement, both of which were also Montreal-based.
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